Not a Luxury.

I believe that movement is not a mere luxury, a hobby that you can schedule after work.
Your body is designed to jump, run, dance and fight.

If you do not move, your body degenerates, in all its function and abilities.
Our sedentary lifestyle betrays the importance of the body and the role movement plays not only in the development of physical abilities but also in its important for brain health, intelligence and emotional resilience.

The way we life in a modern society often disconnects us from our body, to the degree that we only notice the body when something is wrong, when pain, diseases or injury happen.

We need movement. We need to use our body to its full capacity, exploring its entire range of motion, challenge our brain with complex movements and release endorphins to positively influence our emotions.

Just start.

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Ready for some quick energy bites?!

In our library we provide a variety of short’n’sweet Pilates Videos for you – for a various needs, all levels and of different focuses.
No excuses: they’re all complementary teasers.
All you need is a mat and your laptop – you’re good to go!

To hear first when the library launches, sign up for the newsletter here.

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Tone & Stretch

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Barre Class

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Advanced Pilates

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Ball Class

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